The inspiration for this work of art is climate change and the „fridays for future“ movement. It is very fascinating how committed the young people are.
The artwork: „Volcanic eruption V“ makes you think about our lives.
Our earth is the only place where we can live.
The starting material for this work was stoneware clay, which occurs naturally in the earth’s crust and can be mined near the surface.
I first formed many clay slabs on the clay, dried and baked them. Then I treated them with glaze and oxides and fired them in 1250 degrees Celsius. Then I photographed these plates. For one motive there is only one photo, which was printed on alu dibond.
I’m professional artist. Using my vision, I create unique works of art.
I use art to express my feelings and thoughts.
As Caspar David Friedrich said: “ The artist should not only paint what he sees before him, but also what he sees in himself. If he sees nothing within him, then he should also omit to paint that which he sees before him.“ I see something in myself, that is why i paint.